Thursday, February 24, 2011

Loving my Husband

I will be honest in saying that, in the past, I was the one in our home who made things happen. Until recently there hasent been an alpha male. There was Joe and there was me. We have been married for 15 years. Those years have not always been super happy, but we have always made things work. Recently with the enormous amounts of stress we have gone through, I have found that my shoulders are not quite as broad as they once were. I cannot handle everything on my own and I have started to lean on Joe for decisions and leadership in our home.  Let me tell is wonderful to come up under his guidence and direction. I, of course, knew it would/could be this way. After all we have taken enough marriage classes in our Bible study group over the years that its has been ingrained in my brain, but it wasnt in my heart.  For me to give over even small decisions to him was like pulling teeth and then eventually he just relied on me....just like one of the kids.

I am married to a man who is finding his own within our family after 15 years of marriage. I have Rhumatiod Arthritis and I almost wonder if the Lord didnt allow this to happen in order for me to "have no other choice" but to allow Joe as the head of our home. One never knows...



1 comment:

  1. God uses amazing, and even sometimes painful tools to transform His beloved...that's for sure!

    I'm so glad you are seeing God's work in your life. I know I see His work in mine, and the conviction is welcome!

    God Bless you!
