Monday, March 28, 2011

A touch of femininity for my girls....

Sunday mornings at our home can be hectic getting everyone dressed and out the door for church on time. That is actually kind of funny because I have no trouble getting the kids to school or anywhere else on time. Anyway, we have kind of gotten into a rut over what we wear to church. I grew up wearing my best to church every Sunday. Now that I am married and have a family, we attend a different church that is more relaxed and heart focused rather than custom focused. The boys wear nice jeans and the girls wear khaki dress pants or even occasionally jeans.
I was thinking yesterday (as I watched my children scatter to sunday school) that my girls will grow up to raise their little girls the same way. Pants! Ugh! Dont get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with pants, but young ladies and little girls look so prescious in dresses and skirts. So feminine. It is only recently that we have gotten lazy. Lazy!! My girls used to wear beautiful clothes to church that my mother would search out in boutiques when she was on vacation. She even sewed some of the more special things from the satin of her own wedding gown.
Now I know that my 14, 12 and 10 year old daughters would not go for that now, but I was not at all prepared for the response that I got when I asked them if they wanted some skirts for church.
It was a resounding YES!!!! The were so excited. So yesterday after church I grabbed my mom, my girls,and my coupons, gift cards and Khols Cash and headed to the city. I must admit that I NEVER do this! I am a thrifty girl by nature and dont normally shop at the mall as a first step. Its usually when I have exhausted everything else. I spent some money, but I also saved a ton as well using my gift cards and coupons that I had saved up as well as hitting some sales that riveled the Salvation Army!  It was also a great opportunity for some girl talk about appropriate fashions and modesty. I wont say that the girls deserved these new things (they have Christ and is all they will ever need) but they deffinately appreciated them and cant wait till next Sunday.  



Friday, March 25, 2011

I was tagged...does that mean I am it???

Andrea at Rightthinker tagged me for a meme about my kitchen.  This has never happened to me before and I wont tag anyone else because I honestly don’t know how! SORRY!! I am not even sure I know what a meme is! Anyway, I enjoyed reading about other peoples kitchens so I filled in the questions about mine. (Sorry Andrea if I screwed this up!!)
1) Do you have magnets on the fridge?
Yep! I buy stainless steel magnets with clips attached. They hold current papers for school and the occasional art work from Cody’s preschool.

2) Do you have a calendar in the kitchen, and if so, what's the theme?

Yes! My calendar is antique tractors! It was free from my husbands employer.

3)  What is your favorite kitchen gadget or tool?

Definitely my Kitchen Aid mixer. I have almost all of the attachments and I love it. It is especially helpful for harvest season and for my noodles.

4)  Are you lucky enough to have a pantry of some kind?

I have a pantry in my kitchen that is a fair size for the age of my house and I have an area in my basement for home canned food and bulk purchases.

5)  What is your favorite appliance?

My favorite appliance has definitely got to be my new stove! My hubby bought it for me just this week and I love it. It ranks up there with the dish washer that runs at least three times a day. Maybe it’s a tie….

6)  Do you have an eat-in-kitchen?

We do have an eat-in kitchen. My husband is currently building a banquet for my table and it is really looking great! We also have a dinning room attached to the living room, but it is carpeted so we use it only for holidays. Food + kids + carpet = a big mess!!
7)  Do you have a bread box?

Yes and I use it for bread on a daily basis! Its an antique and I love the beautiful color green.

8)  Do you have pictures of your kids on the fridge?

I have a few school pics, but try not to keep them up as the edges tend to curl. I am an avid scrap booker and know the importance of taking care of the pics!

9)  Do you ever cook breakfast in your PJ's?

Not really… During the week I am dressed for breakfast. On the weekends my husband LOVES to make breakfast so I might eat it in my pj’s then. 

10)  Do you have a favorite cookbook?

I have several old cookbooks that I glean recipes from as well as a collection of family recipes.

11)  Are you lucky enough to have recipes that were passed down from grandmother and mother?  
Yes, my grandmother and her sisters were really well known in the area for their baking and candy making and I have all of those recipes as well as the ones from their restaurant. My mother is a wonderful cook and baker as well and she has made up several sought after recipes.
12)  What's your favorite thing to cook?
I actually love to cook anything over the open fire. We camp a LOT in the spring, summer and fall and we try just about anything over the open flame.

13)  Is your coffee pot electric or stove top?


14)  Do you make your own bread?

Sometimes. I would like to more often but the time……

15)  Does your kitchen have a theme?
My kitchen is filled with antiques and vintage items. I try to find vintage items to use in my kitchen when replacing something. We eat off of ironstone daily and I love to search for new pieces.
16)  Is there a clock in your kitchen?

Only the ones attached to the microwave and the stove.

17)  Do you have a bowl of fruit on your table or counter.  


18)  What type of canisters do you have?

I have vintage aluminum canisters but they are put away right now.

19)  Name one thing you have hanging on the wall in your kitchen

My enormous enamelware bowl. White with red trim. It’s the popcorn bowl.

20)  What's for supper tonight?

Tonight we were going to have steak on the grill with sweet potatoes and mixed veggies but the regulator on the grill went out and the fire almost took out our garage……so I ran and picked up  some chicken from a local favorite to replace the charred steak.

21)  Do you have enough cabinet space?

Not really….. I do have room in the basement on shelves that keep things that I use rarely like the bunt pan. I make do. The new seating that my husband is building will have lift up seats to store things like my crock pots and tablecloths. That will be helpful!
22)  Does your family use paper plates?

 We use paper plates for camping or when I am away, my husband will use them.

23)  Do you have a good set of china packed up?

I have several sets of china. Two sets at my immediate disposal and the other sets are in the attic. My grandmother, mother and myself as well as the great-aunts were/are all collectors of antique china and glassware. I am trying to teach my girls how to make a beautiful table.

24)  Do you wear an apron to work in the kitchen?

I fail at this….

25)  Name one thing you would change about your kitchen if you could?

I would LOVE wide plank (12 in) heart pine floors. Sigh….