Monday, August 30, 2010


2008 w/ Madison at her 5th grade Graduation!
God is so good, He's so good to me! About a year ago my 38 year old, physically fit husband had to have 3 stents put into his heart. God was so good to us and walked us through a very scary process! For Joe, its genetic and really cant be reversed by lifestyle change, although we are trying to keep it from getting worse by watching what we eat and getting plenty of exercise, etc. Today was his one year check up and the Dr. was thrilled with his blood work results and said everything looked and sounded really great! THANK YOU JESUS!!! I need that man so much more than I realize and God knows this.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Perfect Peace

Before Surgery
Today was one of those days when, in the evening, you look back and shake your head in wonder. I recieved a call from the school at 10:30 that Aubrey (9) was having pain in her side that was making her cry.  She had said her side hurt when she got up, but I told her to go to the bathroom and get dressed for school. In other words: suck it up, your going  to school sweetheart! I got to the school and saw that she was in deffinate pain as she could'nt even stand up straight. I called the Dr, who was no in, but the nurse was skeptical because there was no vomiting or fever. Mothers intuition, better yet, the Lords prompting took me to the ER where it was confirmed that Aubrey had appendicitis. An hour later she was in surgery and I was in the waiting room eating Arbys that my husband was so sweet to get for me.  I felt no worry or anxiety which is shocking.  God was in control and I knew it.  What a peaceful day even though it was completely unexpected.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Reality Check!

I detest it when God shows me things in my life that need to be "checked". Initially it is very painful and then very humbling or even shameful.  I am not one that naturally loves critisim or being shown that I am wrong. I haven't actually met anyone who fits that personality type, but I do know those who handle it with much more grace then I do. Maybe I will ask them how that comes about....maybe not. Anyway, today I had my two older girls try on all of the jeans in their closet after we had a terrible morning before school. (my 6th grader assumed that last years jeans would fit and when I told her to lay out her clothes for school the night before, she didn't try them on...bad morning) After finding that only 1/3 of the jeans still fit, I decided that we would go for a walk to work off the pot roast supper and to help the girls get back into a healthy mind set. They are both a very health weight for their age and normally extremely active and athletic, but have gotten a little lazy in the last month with school starting. So, off we went on one of the wooded trails at the park and boy was I bookin it. I wanted to see them pant and beg for mercy. TREE ROOT!!!!! I tripped and went sprawling on the ground and boy did it hurt! CHECK! The girls stood over me looking at me like I had lost my marbles. It took both of them to help me to my feet. I was so pathetic. God showed me painfully that I wasn't listening. He showed me that my girls are just fine and dont need me badgering them about clothes that dont fit and getting enough exercise. For crying out loud, basketball season starts next month! Sometimes I get on a kick and just wont listen to reason....... thank you Lord for the tree roots in my life, painful as they are. Tomorrow morning they will be even more painful

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Crazy Busy Days

My days are so busy the minute the first two kids get off the bus in the afternoon. They both want to tell me about their days and what the evenings homework is, who said what, what happened in gym class, etc... An hour later the second half of the kids will come home and we do the same thing all over again.  So many book bags to go through, papers to read and sign, and dates to write on the calandar for upcoming fieldtrips the I "have" to go on.......sigh. I love being a mom, but I do wish that this time of the day were a little more organized. In 15 years when my youngest has graduated, I will wonder at what boring afternoons I have.

Today I went out to my dads house to watch an Amish crew pour the new concrete floor in the shop. I wished that I could have taken Ethan out of school for the morning so he could have watched the four cement trucks and the crew hard at work.  I regret now that I didn't, he is such a grandpa's boy and whats a few hours of school compared to the memory of helping build grandpa's new shop.

We have 21 days left until we have to be in court for the adoption of our fifth child. A son brought to us through the foster system.  We are licensed foster parents who recieved this child on Jan 27th of this year.  We already had 4 children and were content with that.  God layed on our hearts the desire to take this child in as one of ours when we were not expecting it. It has been one of the most difficult journeys our family has ever been through, but God prevailed and we are blessed. 21 days....

Heading off to meet the new teachers for this year at the elementary open house. Should be a good time. The kids always love to show off their desks and lockers.  I always love to show off my kids! :) 

Monday, August 23, 2010

Greetings to All!

Today Is my first blog on my new site.  It is exciting to be able to journal and express myself in a way that can be repied to with encouragement, questions or even criticism. My days are so busy with all of my daily duties with the house, the kids, my husband, and all of the other obligations that consume my time.  I am looking forward to this time in the evening when I can reflect on the day and think about how I can be a better mom, wife, friend and above all, child of God. That last one can be a real kicker some days! With that said, I am going to jump in with both feet first and with eyes wide open! Looking forward to it!