Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I can feel spring if I try hard enough!

It has snowed and blowed (it that really a word???) through northern Indiana this year! Having not lived more than six miles from my current address all my life, I guess you could say that I am used to Indiana weather and know what to expect. I actually used to love the cooler months more than the warmer months......until I met my husband. He has trained me over the years to be a lover of spring, summer and fall. ONLY! Winter is officially OUT after the tree comes down. The snow is beautiful and covers up alot of ugliness outside. I do love to sit on the couch with a great book and a cup of coffee while it is snowing. OK, now I'm getting awfully picky and ungrateful. Thank you Lord for the beautiful snow that is so good for my garden and covers up the ugly yard and gives the kids yet something else to be excited about.

I tell you what though, it is the end of January and I can feel spring coming. I am going to be starting my flower seeds in mid February and that makes spring come even quicker. March brings on the vegetable plants for my garden and that means spring is aaaaaalmost here. I will be content though and not press the Lord for spring or He will press me for patience.

 This is the view I get every time I walk into my kitchen.
I need to stop complaining!


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

James 1:19

My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the rrighteous life that God desires.

This verse is one that I have heard several times over my Christian walk and yet for the first time, it has truly caused me to pause. Our Sunday School teacher was teaching on this verse last Sunday and I was suddenly very aware that I wasn't listening to my children or husband. I was angering quickly and speaking even quicker. I can see the evidence that my actions have taken on my 2nd to oldest daughter. She is twelve and starting to shut herself away from me. Why shouldn't't she, I don't listen and I quickly speak over her.

Don't expect your children to develop character any better than that which you display to them.

This is something that I read off of a blog this week that is also sooooo very true. I often hear my younger children arguing, using the exact words and tone of voice that has come from my own lips. I feel so pathetic and ashamed of myself. I am the adult and child of God that KNOWS BETTER!!

Forgive me Lord, and help me to plant these words in my heart and be reminded of them daily. Hourly if needed. Amen.



Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Back at it..

Tomorrow the kiddos go back to school. I loved having them home, but they are ready to head out to schedules and structure. I purposefully don't impose too much structure on Christmas break as its about the only time of the year that they get to "veg". I had started a routine before Christmas of having devotions before bed. I was looking through the web tonight trying to find online devotionals for my inbox. I love being able to print them quickly. My goal for the year is to keep the kids devotionals on task. The kids truly love it and so do I.

My adopted son is not going back to preschool until Friday. This has been a rougher 2 weeks for him than usual. He is usually the only one home with me and has me all to himself. He has had to share me, his dad, his toys and his home to brothers and sisters as well as extra friends for this school break and I can tell its been a bit of a stretch. He has been acting out a little and I am anxious to see if he settles back into routine. He needs routine and stability to make him feel secure and somewhat in control of his life. The sweet little dear.



Saturday, January 1, 2011

Family game night 101

We had our first family game night of 2011! It was super fun and everyone had a great time! We played Funglish for the first time and it was a really great game for everyone down to about 7 or 8 years of age. My sister-in-law said at Thanksgiving that we need to make a point of getting together for game nights more than just at the holidays. She was so right! We have had so much fun joking, laughing, being connected and just relaxing with one another. All 8 cousins play together with the WII or down in the basement or joining us adults in the games. They often beat us! Its so great to strengthen the bonds of family in these tough times. Times when family is often discarded and overlooked. Cant wait for next month when we can do it again. We all really want this to become a family tradition that continues on with our children.