Tuesday, January 11, 2011

James 1:19

My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the rrighteous life that God desires.

This verse is one that I have heard several times over my Christian walk and yet for the first time, it has truly caused me to pause. Our Sunday School teacher was teaching on this verse last Sunday and I was suddenly very aware that I wasn't listening to my children or husband. I was angering quickly and speaking even quicker. I can see the evidence that my actions have taken on my 2nd to oldest daughter. She is twelve and starting to shut herself away from me. Why shouldn't't she, I don't listen and I quickly speak over her.

Don't expect your children to develop character any better than that which you display to them.

This is something that I read off of a blog this week that is also sooooo very true. I often hear my younger children arguing, using the exact words and tone of voice that has come from my own lips. I feel so pathetic and ashamed of myself. I am the adult and child of God that KNOWS BETTER!!

Forgive me Lord, and help me to plant these words in my heart and be reminded of them daily. Hourly if needed. Amen.




  1. So very true...something I also struggle with in regards to my children. Being a homeschooler with 6 children in the house, and rarely a moment's break from them, I can almost feel the weight piling up...I am praying I will continue to get better at becoming aware of the mounting tension so that I may take control of it before it controls me...

    Thanks for this article.

    God Bless you!

  2. Praying that the Lord uses this revelation to help you make a CHANGE ... now. Your children need their Mama to really listen to them. This is something the Lord taught me MANY years ago. And, while my relationships with my children are certainly not perfect, I have had good relationships with all of my teens and young adults.

    Keep allowing the Lord to show you what kind of Mama he wants you to be.


    Laurel :)
